PDL/81 Home Page
This page is the root for all information about
Caine, Farber & Gordon, Inc.'s (CFG's) Program
Design Language Processor PDL/81.
The last release of PDL/81 was Version 2.2.
This version is Y2K compliant. A patch is
available that may upgrade previous versions to Y2K compliance.
Licenses are available on an RPQ basis only.
We will tend to respond favorably to requests from existing licensees
and from those who have inherited large PDL/81 projects or large
quantities of PDL/81 source.
We will tend to respond unfavorably to all other requests.
How to Contact Us
info@cfg.com or
call 800 424-3070 or 626 449-3070 for further information.
Information About PDL/81
The Original PDL Paper
In 1974, we wrote a paper titled
PDLa tool for software design
that was published in the
Proceedings of the 1975 National Computer Conference.
It has been reprinted in many collections on the theory and practice of
software design.
CFG Home Page